Upcoming ALEPH Mission Challenges

We’re excited to announce two upcoming crowdsourced engineering challenges, where you’ll have the opportunity to contribute innovative solutions for the ALEPH project and other initiatives bringing plants to the lunar surface! These challenges will focus on creating efficient, practical designs for key components of plant payloads.

Prizes can include exclusive packs featuring 3D printed versions of the payload, benchtop grow kits, ALEPH-themed card games, mission patches, and a personalised certificate recognising your contribution.

Challenge 1: Water Delivery Device

Without a human with a watering can on the lunar surface, plant payloads need to autonomously deliver water to ensure the survival of the plants. In the harsh, low-gravity environment of the Moon, traditional watering methods are not viable, meaning water delivery needs to be both innovative and efficient. In this challenge, you will try your hand at designing a device that can reliably store and release water in controlled amounts, learning about the challenges of space engineering along the way.

Key Criteria:

  • Mass Reduction: Minimise the overall weight of the device.
  • Low Power Usage: Focus on passive or low-power mechanisms to release water effectively.
  • Simplicity: Keep the design reliable and minimalistic, avoiding complexity and unnecessary parts.

To get started ahead of the challenge launch, you can try a similar activity provided in the template booklet here.

Challenge 2: Seed Attachment and Stability System

With intense launch vibrations and G-forces during takeoff and landing, seeds inside the payload risk bouncing around and damaging not only themselves but also vital electronics. Your task is to design a system that securely attaches seeds and small plants inside the payload, ensuring they remain stable throughout the mission. The solution must withstand the extreme forces of launch, while allowing easy access for watering and light exposure once the payload is active.

Key Criteria:

  • Vibration Resistance: Ensure the seeds and plants are protected from intense vibrations.
  • Accessibility: The design must allow plants to receive water and light during the mission.
  • Low Mass and Materials Efficiency: Use lightweight materials and keep the design efficient to minimise payload mass.

To get started ahead of the challenge launch, you can try a similar activity provided in the template booklet here.

Stay tuned for more details!

As we prepare to launch these exciting challenges, register now to be the first to receive updates and get involved in shaping the future of space exploration.

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